Sunday, August 7, 2011

Overdrive eBook renewals and the Default Checkout period

After checking out my first book, Cutting for Stone for 7 days, I wondering what was going to happen when the 7 days were up. {7 days was much too short a time for reading a book like Cutting for Stone.} In my previous post about Overdrive, I said that the book get deleted; here the rest of the story.....

There is no option for renewing the book! You must check it out again if it is available. {Check the FAQ about renewals...} If you are lucky there will be no holds on the book and you can check it out again.

Also buried deep in all the settings for your eAccount is an option for setting the default lending periods. The only options are 7 days and 14 days. I guess the default is 7 days. I re-set mine to 14 days a much more realistic lending period.

The odd thing is; this setting is not available for me when using Overdrive and my browser on the tablet!!! very strange....

On my Windows computer using Chrome browser, I found the default lending period setting here:

  1. Log on to my library web site,
  2. Click on "Electronic Library",
  3. Click on "Overdrive Digital Media Catalog"
  4. Sign -in
  5. Click on "My eAccount"
  6. Click on the Lending periods option. <-- this option did not appear on my G-Tab!!!
So I guess there is another mystery to investigate. Watson, the game's afoot!

1 comment:

  1. Seems that I can now check out an ebook for 21 days, a much better option. I found this setting on the Library check out screen.
